Droopy Basset Hound Rescue of Western PA
15581 Stewart Hill Rd
Union City, PA 16438
(888) 943-8376

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19-10 Freddie's Web Page

Basset Hound  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Senior

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Freddie is a permanent DBHR foster. Here is his story:

Freddie, 9 yrs old now, came to DBHR years ago, with three other Bassets (when Freddie was only  3yrs old) , Riley (his dad), Dot (his mom) and Anna. Riley, Dot and Anna found their forever homes within a few months. But Freddie’s extreme shyness and fear of people kept him in the DBHR foster pack. Freddie is good with  most other dogs, but as he spent his first years in a kennel run with Riley, he had little to no socialization with humans or the world in general. While Riley is unbelievably social, Freddie is the opposite. When Fred first came he was literally afraid of everything, even the size of the dog yard terrified him. People sent him into panic and trying to hide where ever he could fit. He found the space under the doggie door ramp and tucked himself tight there. We have never had a Basset like him before, so we had to learn how to make him as comfortable as possible in this new life. We started by reducing the size of the dog yard he had access to, that was the beginning of almost 4 years of working to understand and learning to accept Freddie as he is. Freddie is goofy and sweet, but still so fearful of anything or anyone new. He still barks and runs away from people, even those he has met many times. He still will go to panic/fear mode at a moment's notice. We have worked with our vet and tried different Meds/homeopathic treatments to help with his anxiety. Freddie loves his foster Basset pack, he greets the new fosters happily, although we have no idea what he tells them! People who visit, find Freddie is interested in checking them out if they pretend to not notice him at all. Freddie needs consistency in his daily life, his crate to him is HIS safe place, we continue to work with this sweet boy and at the same time love him just as he is. Freddie is a permanent foster.

About 19-10 Freddie

  • Status: Available for Sponsorship
  • Species: Dog
  • Current Age: 10 Years 4 Months (best estimate)

Other Pictures of 19-10 Freddie (click to see larger version):

19-10 Freddie 19-10 Freddie